LM107/LM207/LM307 Operational Amplifiers General Description The LM107 series are complete, general purpose operational amplifiers, with the necessary frequency compensation built into the chip. Advanced processing techniques make the input currents a factor of ten lower than industry standards like the 709. Yet, they are a direct, plug-in replacement for the 709, LM101A and 741. The LM107 series offers the features of the LM101A, which makes its application nearly foolproof. In addition, the device provides better accuracy and lower noise in high impedance circuitry. The low input currents also make it particularly well suited for long interval integrators or timers, sample and hold circuits and low frequency waveform generators. Further, replacing circuits where matched transistor pairs buffer the inputs of conventional IC op amps, it can give lower offset voltage and drift at a lower cost. The LM107 is guaranteed over a b55§C to a125§C temperature range, the LM207 from b25§C to a85§C and the LM307 from 0§C to a70§C. Features Y Offset voltage 3 mV maximum over temperature Y Input current 100 nA maximum over temperature Y Offset current 20 nA maximum over temperature Y Guaranteed drift characteristics