Introduction to Medalist i1000D The Agilent Medalist i1000D in-circuit test (ICT) system is a revolutionary platform targeted for maximum cost effectiveness. It offers award winning state-of-the-art features with answers to most test challenges faced by today’s manufacturers. Advanced de- fects coverage features coupled with a simplifi ed software model shorten the learning curve of new users, mak- ing this an ideal investment for manu- facturers who need a cost effective ICT solution. It’s back to the basics with the Medalist i1000D software to help new users get up to speed in the shortest time possible. Following the development model of a typical manufacturing defects ana- lyzer (MDA), the user can now get a fi xture and program up and running in just a few days. Simplifi ed graphi- cal user interfaces allow the user to quickly make changes to individual tests during debug, with a compre- hensive toolset of menus and buttons complete with AutoDebug features. This allows inexperienced users to start using the system quickly.