The OPT211 is a monolithic photodiode with on-chip FET-input transpedance amplifier, that provides wide bandwidth at very high gains. Uncommitted input and feedback nodes allow a variety of feedback options for maximum versatility. Trade-offs in responsivity (gain), bandwidth and SNR can easily be made. The monolithic combination of photodiode and transimpedance amplifier on a single chip eliminates the problems commonly encountered in discrete designs such as leakage current errors, noise pickup and gain peaking due to stray capacitance. The 0.09 x 0.09 inch photodiode is operated at zero bias for excellent linearity and low dark current. Direct access to the detector’s anode allows photodiode bootstrapping, which increases speed performance. The OPT211 operates over a wide supply range (±2.25V to ±18V) and supply current is only 400mA. It is packaged in a transparent plastic 8-pin