The ICM7170 real time clock is a microprocessor bus compatible peripheral, fabricated using Intersil’s silicon gate CMOS LSl process. An 8-bit bidirectional bus is used for the data I/O circuitry. The clock is set or read by accessing the 8 internal separately addressable and programmable counters from 1/100 seconds to years. The counters are controlled by a pulse train divided down from a crystal oscillator circuit, and the frequency of the crystal is selectable with the on-chip command register. An extremely stable oscillator frequency is achieved through the use of an on-chip regulated power supply. The device access time (tACC) of 300ns eliminates the need for wait states or software overhead with most microprocessors. Furthermore, an ALE (Address Latch Enable) input is provided for interfacing to microprocessors with a multiplexed address/data bus. With these two special features, the ICM7170 can be easily interfaced to any available microprocessor.