Designed with high reset threshold accuracy and low power consumption, the ISL88705, ISL88706, ISL88707, ISL88708, ISL88716 and ISL88813 devices are microprocessor supervisors that are designed to monitor power-supply and battery functions in microprocessor systems. They can help to lower system cost, reduce board space requirements and increase the reliability of systems. These devices provide essential functions such as supply voltage supervision by asserting a reset output during power-up and power-down as well as during brownout conditions. An auxiliary voltage monitor is provided for detecting power failures warning the system of low battery conditions or presence detection. In addition, an independent watchdog timer helps to monitor microprocessor activity every 1.6s (typical). An active-low manual reset is offered and reset signals remain asserted until VDD returns to proper operating levels. Users can increase the nominal 200ms power-on reset time-out delay by adding an external capacitor to the CPOR pin on the ISL88707 and ISL88708.