The CN0343 is a completely self-contained distance sensor that utilizes an ultrasonic transmitter and sensitive analog receiver in conjunction with a precision analog microcontroller to provide distance measurements. The CN0343 approximate range is from 50cm to 10m with a resolution of about 2cm. Temperature compensation is provided by the integrated temperature sensor and analog-to-digital converter (ADC) contained in the microcontroller.
The CN0343 have three connectors:
The connectors position marked in the following CN0343 picture in yellow font.
The CN0343 J1 connector use for power supply with the EVAL-CFTL-6V-PWRZ , before power on the CN0343 please make sure all the necessary connector connected well and firm.
The J2 connector in CN0343 is use for the RS-485 communication interface, the pin number of J2 is marked in the following picture in yellow font, the pin map of J2 is marked in blue font.
The CN0343 RS-485 interface working at the half-duplex mode, there only need one twisted pair cable to build the RS-485 network.
The J3 connector of CN0343 is use for the ADuC7126 MCU JTAG debug and programming download. The pin number of J3 is marked in the following picture in blue font.
The CN0343 J3 JTAG 20pins 0.1 inch pitch connector pin map is compatible with the SEGGER J-LINK debug probe , for more detail please check the SEGGER web site .
The CN0343 can be running in standalone mode or connect multiple CN0343 into one RS-485 network to make group measurement.
The CN0343 user interface contained one LCD screen and one buzzer as information output, six tactile button as the user input.
The CN0343 LCD have a contrast adjust potentiometer R1 marked in the following picture as purple font.
The CN0343 have six tactile button, the function of each button marked as red font in the following picture.
The CN0343 have following of running status:
Distance: 1.253m Temp: 25.2°C
The distance and temperature value may different based on the CN0343 working situation.
Calibrate Temperature?
Set address?
Set baud rate?
Set address?
UP | none | none | previous item | increase number at cursor | |
DOWN | none | none | next item | decrease number at cursor | |
LEFT | none | none | previous item | move cursor left | |
RIGHT | none | none | next item | move cursor right | |
OK | none | enter MENU | enter selected SETTING | save and return to MENU | |
CANCEL | none | none | return to MEASURING | don't save and return to MENU |
The CN0343 software supported RS-485 address range is 1~255 (this is not equal to the ADM3483 hardware imitated devices number).
The CN0343 software supported RS-485 baud rate range is: 75bps~250kbps.
The CN0343 will response following command:
xxx query/r/n
the xxx is the CN0343's decimal address, and /r/n is the return characters.
For example:
109 query
will trigger the CN0343 which have RS-485 address 109 send the measure result data to RS-485 network.
The CN0343 software developed under the Keil Embedded Development Tools and debug with SEGGER J-Link Debug Probes, for the detail usage of Keil or J-Link please check above links.
After download and install the Keil Embedded Development Tools for ARM, open the Keil software IDE.
To open the CN0343 source code in Keil IDE please use following steps:
For the detail of Keil usage please reference to ARM Product Manuals.
After the CN0343 software development, to download the binary firmware to internal flash of ADuC7126 please use following steps:
The following is the snapshot of the CN0343 software package files:
V5.0 ├── debug │ ├── adcdriver.crf │ ├── addressdialog.crf │ ├── aduc7126bits.crf │ ├── baudratedialog.crf │ ├── buzzerdriver.crf │ ├── calibratetemperaturedialog.crf │ ├── debug.build_log.htm │ ├── debug.sct │ ├── exceptions.crf │ ├── homedialog.crf │ ├── initial.crf │ ├── interrupt.crf │ ├── keydriver.crf │ ├── lcddriver.crf │ ├── main.crf │ ├── message.crf │ ├── options.crf │ ├── pwmdriver.crf │ ├── retarget.crf │ ├── rtostimer.crf │ ├── setdialog.crf │ ├── uartcommand.crf │ ├── uart.crf │ ├── uartdriver.crf │ ├── V4.build_log.htm │ └── wnd.crf ├── JLinkArm_debug.ini ├── JLinkArm_release.ini ├── Packs_debug.htm ├── release │ ├── adcdriver.crf │ ├── addressdialog.crf │ ├── aduc7126bits.crf │ ├── baudratedialog.crf │ ├── buzzerdriver.crf │ ├── calibratetemperaturedialog.crf │ ├── exceptions.crf │ ├── ExtDll.iex │ ├── homedialog.crf │ ├── initial.crf │ ├── interrupt.crf │ ├── keydriver.crf │ ├── lcddriver.crf │ ├── main.crf │ ├── message.crf │ ├── options.crf │ ├── pwmdriver.crf │ ├── RamFunctions.sct │ ├── release.axf │ ├── release.build_log.htm │ ├── release.sct │ ├── retarget.crf │ ├── rtostimer.crf │ ├── setdialog.crf │ ├── uartcommand.crf │ ├── uart.crf │ ├── uartdriver.crf │ └── wnd.crf ├── source │ ├── applications │ │ ├── dialog │ │ │ ├── AddressDialog.cpp │ │ │ ├── BaudRateDialog.cpp │ │ │ ├── CalibrateTemperatureDialog.cpp │ │ │ ├── HomeDialog.cpp │ │ │ ├── SetDialog.cpp │ │ │ └── Wnd.cpp │ │ ├── main.cpp │ │ ├── Message.cpp │ │ ├── Options.cpp │ │ └── UARTCommand.cpp │ ├── bios │ │ ├── ADuC7126Bits.cpp │ │ ├── ADuC712x.s │ │ ├── Exceptions.cpp │ │ ├── Initial.cpp │ │ ├── Interrupt.cpp │ │ ├── Retarget.c │ │ ├── Retarget.cpp │ │ └── UART.cpp │ ├── drivers │ │ ├── ADCDriver.cpp │ │ ├── BuzzerDriver.cpp │ │ ├── KeyDriver.cpp │ │ ├── LCDDriver.cpp │ │ ├── PWMDriver.cpp │ │ ├── RTOSTimer.cpp │ │ └── UARTDriver.cpp │ ├── include │ │ ├── applications │ │ │ ├── Dialog │ │ │ │ ├── AddressDialog.h │ │ │ │ ├── BaudRateDialog.h │ │ │ │ ├── CalibrateTemperatureDialog.h │ │ │ │ ├── HomeDialog.h │ │ │ │ ├── SetDialog.h │ │ │ │ └── Wnd.h │ │ │ ├── Message.h │ │ │ ├── Options.h │ │ │ └── UARTCommand.h │ │ ├── bios │ │ │ ├── ADuC7126Bits.H │ │ │ ├── atomic.h │ │ │ ├── Initial.h │ │ │ ├── Interrupt.h │ │ │ ├── Retarget.h │ │ │ └── UART.h │ │ ├── Drivers │ │ │ ├── ADCDriver.h │ │ │ ├── BuzzerDriver.h │ │ │ ├── KeyDriver.h │ │ │ ├── LCDDriver.h │ │ │ ├── PWMDriver.h │ │ │ ├── RTOSTimer.h │ │ │ └── UARTDriver.h │ │ └── library │ │ └── SafeQueue.h │ └── library │ └── SafeQueue.cpp ├── V5.0.build_log.htm ├── V5.0.uvgui.r ├── V5.0.uvgui_r.bak ├── V5.0.uvgui.rl ├── V5.0.uvgui_rl.bak ├── V5.0.uvgui.RLee4 ├── V5.0.uvgui_RLee4.bak ├── V5.0.uvopt ├── V5.0_uvopt.bak ├── V5.0.uvproj └── V5.0_uvproj.bak
EVAL-CN0343-EB1Z Design & Integration Files
End of Document
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