摘要针对目前安徽电网下属诸火电厂分散控制系统(DCS)运行的实时情况,本文从DCS 模块、应用软件、通信网络、电源等方面对DCS 系统应用中遇到的影响机组安全稳定运行的故障现象和安全隐患等进行了分析和探讨,提出了进一步提高火电厂DCS 应用技术水平的建议。 关键词分散控制系统(DCS) 安全性故障分析火电厂 Abstract In accordance with the practical operational situation of distributed control systems(DCS)in certain fossil-fired power plants under Anhui electric power grid,the faults and hidden hermits in DCS systems of which affecting safety operation of the power units are analyzed and investigated from several areas,e. g. ,DCS modules,application software,network communication,and power supply. Positive suggestions for enhancing applicable level of DCS in fossil-fired power plants are contributed. Keywords Distributed control system(DCS) Security Fault analysis Fossil-fired power plant