The MAX2511 is a complete, highly integrated IF transceiver for applications employing a dual-conversion architecture. Alternatively, the MAX2511 can be used as a single-conversion transceiver if the RF operating frequency ranges from 200MHz to 440MHz.
In a typical application, the receiver downconverts a high IF/RF (200MHz to 440MHz) to a 10.7MHz low IF using an image-reject mixer. Functions include an image-reject downconverter with 34dB of image suppression followed by an IF buffer that can drive an off-chip IF filter; an on-chip limiting amplifier offering 90dB of monotonic received-signal-strength indication (RSSI); and a robust limiter output driver. The transmit image-reject mixer generates a clean output spectrum to minimize filter requirements. It is followed by a 40dB variable-gain amplifier that maintains IM3 levels below -35dBc. Maximum output power is 2dBm. A VCO and oscillator buffer for driving an external prescaler are also included.
The MAX2511 operates from a 2.7V to 5.5V supply and includes flexible power-management control. Supply current is reduced to 0.1µA in shutdown mode.
For applications using in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) baseband architecture for the transmitter, Maxim offers a corresponding transceiver product: the MAX2510. The MAX2510 has features similar to those of the MAX2511, but upconverts I/Q baseband signals using a quadrature upconverter.