针对单一的网络安全技术已经无法很好的解决日益复杂的网络安全问题,提出了一种新型的安全系统。该系统基于分布式防火墙环境,结合分布式入侵检测技术,并利用专家系统使两者协同工作,实时检测并响应动态的网络安全事件,弥补了单一网络安全系统的不足,可以很好的满足网络安全的要求。Traditional single security technology is becoming obsolete with the complexity of network security problems increased. To address this problem , a new security system architecture is proposed. This new system is based on the distributed firewall environment, and distributed network intrusion detection technology is integrated. Furthermore, Expert System is utilized to make them work coordinated and intelligently respond the real-time dynamic network security situations. This scheme can make up for the shortcomings of single security system and fulfill the requirement of network security. Description of this system architecture and some important system details are presented in this paper.