ABSTRACT Frequency synthesizers are used in a large number of time division multiplexed (TDMA) and frequency hopping wireless applications where quickly attaining frequency lock is critical. A new frequency synthesizer is described which employs a scheme for reducing lock time by a factor of two using a conventional phase locked loop architecture. Faster lock is attained by shifting the loop filter's zero and pole corner frequencies while maintaining the PLL's gain/phase margin characteristics. INTRODUCTION RF system designers of TDMA based cellular systems, such as PHS, GSM and IS-54, need local oscillator (L.O.) or frequency synthesizer blocks capable of tuning to a new channel within a small fraction of each time slot. The suppression of reference spurs and phase noise is also critical for these modern digital standards. Base station and data transmission applications are now striving to utilize all the time slots available in each frame using a single synthesizer. This push towards a ``zero blind slot'' solution has put stringent demands upon the radio frontend's L.O. section. The communication systems channel spacing determines the upper bound for the synthesizer's frequency resolution and loop filter bandwidth. More closely spaced channels dictate that the synthesizer's frequency resolution be finer, which in turn means the loop makes frequency corrections less often. A wider loop filter bandwidth would make it easier to attain lock within a given time constraint, but the price paid is less attenuation of the reference frequency sidebands and a higher integrated phase noise for the locked condition. An examination of the equations which govern the responsiveness of a closed loop system will provide some solutions to this dilemma.