介绍了一种便携式船舶柴油机诊断仪的研制方法,采用低功耗ETR100E 模块,利用低功耗、串行接口输 出的ad 芯片实现船舶柴油机瞬时转速信号的采集。对采集的数据通过时域、频域信号分析,进而提取诊断信息。仪 器使用电池供电,功耗低,方便现场测量。同时能对柴油机气缸的运行状态能进行准确诊断。具有实用与推广价值。 关键词:柴油机诊断仪;瞬时转速;便携式仪器 The Development about Pocket Diesel Diagnosis Instrument Cui Xiufang Chang Yong (Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306 China) Abstract: Introducing a developing method about the pocket marine diesel diagnosis instrument. It uses the ETR100E module with lower power. An AD sampling chip samples the ship diesel transient speed signals by serial bus. We can analysis the sampling transient speed signals by the ways of time domain and frequency domain. A Battery offers the instrument’s power. This can offer to measure the local diesel. From a lot of local test, it can diagnose the diesel working state exactly. So it has the value of practicality and popularity. Key Words: Diesel Diagnosis Instrument;Instantaneous speed;Pocket Instrument