The HI5703EVAL evaluation board can be used to evaluate the performance of the HI5746 10-bit 40 MSPS analog-todigital converter (ADC). The HI5703EVAL evaluation board is made electrically compliant with the HI5746 by making a simple resistor change in the reference voltage generation circuits allowing the former +3.25V reference generator circuit to be adjustable to +2.5V. As shown in the HI5703EVAL Evaluation Board (Modified) Block Diagram, the evaluation board includes clock driver circuitry, reference voltage generators (modified), and a choice of analog input drive circuits. Buffered digital data outputs are conveniently provided for easy interfacing to a ribbon connector or logic probes. The evaluation board is provided with some prototyping area for the addition of user designed custom interfaces or circuits. Additionally, the evaluation board is provided with eight removable jumpers to allow for various operational configurations. Refer to AN9534, “Using the HI5703 Evaluation Board”, for a complete technical discussion on the evaluation board.