Unwanted portions of a signal, such as a DC pedestal, can be difficult to reject in a single supply circuit. A DC pedestal voltage most typically appears at the output of an operational amplifier with a small signal riding on top of it. This pedestal voltage is required in the analog domain to insure that the small signal that contains the pertinent information never falls below the ground potential, where clipping will occur. In order to digitize this type of signal, the DC offset forces the designer to use extremely high resolution (20 plus bits), wide dynamic range A/D converters to capture the small signal that is of interest to a reasonable resolution such as 12 bits. The DS converters, ADS1210, ADS1211, ADS1212, or ADS1213, are appropriate for this function. An alternative to using a high resolution converter would be to add an analog stage where the signal is level shifted to eliminate the DC offset. Unfortunately, this may complicate matters further in creating a situation where dual supplies are required.