针对工业生产的应用特点及现有质量分析应用系统所存在的,如功能相对单一、通用 性差、不易集成和扩展及无法实现跨平台运行等问题,重点研究了基于通用算法Web 服务的质量分析与优化系统的设计和实现。研究内容主要包括系统体系结构、软件结构、功能结构的设计及数据提取、异常数据处理、聚类分析三个Web 服务实例的开发实现,其中详细讨论了Web 服务开发、系统集成Web 服务及客户端调用服务机制等关键技术的实现细节。最后利用国内某大型钢铁企业实际数据,验证了基于Web 服务技术的质量分析与优化系统的运行效果。 关键字:质量分析优化;SOAP;Web 服务 Abstract: This thesis mainly aimed at the characters of manufacture and shortcomings that existing systems have, such as tight-coupled, less-expansibility. Much more emphasis is put on the design and implementation of Quality Analysis and Optimization System based on the Web Services, and the development of the universal arithmetic in the method of web service. They mainly included the design of architecture and three web services (data-access, abnormity-dispose, clustering -analysis), with the achievement of developing、integrating and employing web service was discussed in detail. Finally, the whole system’s application was demonstrated with the actual data of certain kind of steel in this steelworks. Keywords: Quality Analysis and Optimization;SOAP;Web Services