通过三层小波包分解将陀螺仪的输出信号进行分解,对分解得到的八个不同频段上的 节点进行特征提取,提取后的8 维特征向量作为神经网络的输入。对RBF 神经网络进行训练,训练后的神经网络进行故障诊断。对神经网络进行测试,经测试当系统输入向量存在故障时,系统可以准确的诊断出故障类型。 关键词: 小波包分解;小波神经网络;故障诊断;陀螺仪 Abstract: Sampling the status output of gyro, decompose the signal by three-layer wavelet packet. Feature exertion after decomposition for eight nodes, then an 8-dimensional eigenvector is used as fault samples to train Radical Basis Function (RBF) neural network. After the training process the network can detect a fault on-line. After testing the method can detected the faults accurately. Key words: wavelet package transform;wavelet neural network;fault diagnosis; gyro