研究了采用非晶退火法制备的Fe72. 7CuNb2V1. 8Si13. 5B9 纳米晶合金材料制成的新型弱电流传感器。它利用多谐振荡桥励磁的单纳米晶磁芯双绕组差动对称结构。介绍了传感器的工作原理,设计了信号处理电路。 关键词:非晶退火法;纳米晶合金;弱电流传感器;差动对称结构 Abstract :A new weak current sensor using Fe72. 7CuNb2V1. 8 Si13. 5B9 nanocrystalline alloy materials made by means of amorphous annealing is investigated. The sensor has differential symmetric structure with single nanocrystalline core and double coils excited by multivibrator bridge. The principle of the sensor is analyzed and the signal processing circuit is designed. Key words : amorphous annealing ; nanocrystalline alloy ; weak current sensor ; differential symmetric structure