SiC 肖特基二极管气体传感器可以广泛应用于检测气体排放物和气体泄露。通过采用PdCr 合金,可以提高Pd/ SiC 气体传感器的灵敏度。同时,在Pd 层和SiC 之间引入SnO2 作为界面层也是提高其灵敏度的一种有效途径。进一步的研究表明,SnO2 层的大小也对传感器的性能有着重要影响。 关键词: 碳化硅; 气体传感器; 肖特基二极管 Abstract : Silicon carbide based Schottky diode gas sensors are widely used for applications such as emission mea2 surements and leak detections. The sensitivity of Pd/ SiC gas sensors is improved by the alloy of Pd and Cr. Another approach to improve the sensitivity of Pd/ SiC gas sensors is the introduction of tin oxide as an interfacial layer. Further investigations show that the geometry of the tin oxide film determines the performance of the sen2 sors. Key words : SiC; gas sensor ; Schottky diode