The National ID Reader is a demonstration of a reader to read the information from a National ID card and to display the information on a PC. The demonstration is a reference design for the China National second generation ID card reader using a μPSD32xx or μPSD33xx 8051 core for the microcontroller, and the CRX14 as the contactless coupler. The demonstration communicates with the PC using the USB or RS232 interface. The demonstration complies fully with the ISO14443 type-B standards. TABLE OF CONTENTS Hardware Description of the National ID Reader 1 Figure 1. System Block Diagram . . . . 1 Main Control Board . . 4 Boosted Antenna Board . . . . 4 Figure 2. Boosted Antenna Block Diagram . . . . 4 CRX14 . . . 4 Debugging Procedure 5 Test the Output of the CRX14 . 5 Test the Output of the Class E Amplifier 5 Optimize the Antenna . 5 Figure 3. Testing the Output of Class E Amplifier . 5 Figure 4. Circuit for the Antenna System on the Board . . 6 Check the Filter and Amplifier . 6 Figure 5. Checking the Amplifier Output 7 Figure 6. Checking RFIN . . . . 8 The FIRMWARE . . . . 9 Figure 7. Block Diagram . . . . . 9 Figure 8. Memory Map and Address Space . . . 9 Figure 11.Boosted Antenna Board . 15 APPENDIX B.PC Software User Guide 16 Figure 12.Running setup.exe . . . . . 16 Figure 13.Running setup.exe . . . . . 17 Figure 14.Running SIDDemo.exe . . 17 Figure 15.Selecting the RS232 or USB Connection 18 Figure 16.Keil Compiler Settings . . . 19 APPENDIX C.PSDSoft Design Summary File 20 REVISION HISTORY . . . 21 Table 7. Document Revision History . . . . . 21 Figure 9. Firmware Flow Chart . . . . . 10 Communication Protocol between PC and μPSD . . . 11 Table 1. Read processing: Terminal to PC (Read Data Send) Data Frame Format . . . . . 11 Table 2 . .Write processing: PC to Terminal to PC (Write Data Send) Data Frame Format11 Table 3. Terminal to PC (Acknowledgement) Data Frame Format . . 11 National ID Card Demonstration Structure . . . . 11 Block 7-9 (11 Bytes) 11 Table 4 . 11 Block 10-13 (16 Bytes) . . . . 11 Block 14-23 (40 Bytes) . . . . 11 Block 24-43 (80 Bytes) . . . . 11 Summary of the CRX14 Control Driver 12 Detailed Description of Key Routines . . . . . 12 Porting Strategy 13 Summary of USB HID Driver . . . 13 Table 5. List of Header Files 13 Table 6. List of C Source Files . . . . . 13 Interface Switch 13 APPENDIX A.Schematic Diagrams . . . . 14 Figure 10.Main Control Board 14 Figure 11.Boosted Antenna Board . . 15 APPENDIX B.PC Software User Guide . 16 Figure 12.Running setup.exe 16 Figure 13.Running setup.exe 17 Figure 14.Running SIDDemo.exe . . . 17 Figure 15.Selecting the RS232 or USB Connection . . . . 18 Figure 16.Keil Compiler Settings . . . . 19 APPENDIX C.PSDSoft Design Summary File . . 20 REVISION HISTORY 21 Table 7. Document Revision History 21