本文通过对印制电路板(PCB)近场辐射模型的描述和建立,简要介绍PCB 近场磁场辐射的 自动测试和基于射频磁场分布映像的PCB 故障诊断技术。作为一种无接触式测试诊断技术,它对电路板具有无损性,测试更为安全可靠,且成本费用低,诊断能力强,有着广泛的发展前途。 [关键字] 磁场辐射 自动测试 故障诊断 [Abstract] With the description and establishment of radiated magnetic-field model close to printed circuit board (PCB), this paper presents an automatic test system on magnetic-field radiation close to PCB. A fault diagnostic technology based on radiated magnetic-field image is also presented. As a “touch unnecessarily” test method, it does little damage to circuit board, and makes PCB testing more safe and low-cost. It will be used widely in future for its powerful capability of diagnose. [Keywords] magnetic-field radiation, automatic test, fault diagnostic