在线监测在智能电器中占有重要的地位, 本文中叙述了断路器开断故障电流时的电弧电压、电流的在线测量, 高压开关柜、变压器等电器设备的温度参数的光学在线检测技术。 关键词: 电弧电压; 电流; 高压开关柜; 变压器; 光微薄硅温度传感器; 吸收型光纤温度传器; 分布式光纤温度传感系统 A b st ract: O n - line mon ito ring is of very impo rtan t statu s in the in telligen t elect rical apparatu s. The paper describes arc vo ltage of the circu it b reaker at b reak ing fau lt cu rren t, cu rren t on - line mon ito ring and and on- line detect ing techno logy of op t ics of the temperatu re param eters of h igh vo ltage sw itch cub icles and t ran sfo rm ers and so on. Key wo rds: arc vo ltage; cu rren t; HV sw itch cub icle; t ran sfo rm er; op t icalm icro- th in silicon temperatn re; t ran sm it ter; ab so rben t - type f ib re - op t ical temperatare t ran sm it ter; dist ribu ted f ib re - op t ical temperatu re; sen sing system