针对当前工作流模型没有明显的时间约束以及缺乏对复杂工作流系统支持的现状,对经典Petri 网在时间和层次方面进行扩展,提出了一个时间和层次扩充的THEWF-Net 工作 流模型。给出了该工作流模型的构建算法,并采用此算法对办公自动化系统中的产品开发流程和改造旧产品流程进行了建模,最后以实例对该工作流模型的正确性进行了验证。 关键词工作流;工作流模型;Petri 网 Abstract:At present the workflow model is short of time constraint and can’t support complex workflow systems, so the classical Petri-Net is extended in time and hierarchy in this paper. And based on the above extension a Time-Extended and Hierarchy-Extended Workflow-Net model is given. At the same time the construction algorithm of the model is also put forward in this paper. The algorithm is applied to model the new production-developed process and the old production-reconstructed process. Finally the correctness of the THEWF-Net model is validated. Key words: workflow; workflow model; Petri-Net