EAST 装置是一个先进的超导托卡马克装置。本文较为详细的介绍了如何搭建一个基于网络传输的分布式数据采集系统,包括整体规划、软硬件结构以及采用的一些关键技术。它的建立为EAST 装置实验提供了必要的技术诊断数据。 关键词:分布式数据采集系统;EAST 实验装置;TCP/IP 协议;C/S 模式 Abstract:EAST is a non-circular advanced steady state plasma experimental device.A detailed introduction on how to build a distributed data acquisition system based on network communication is given in this paper, including collectivity plan, structure of software and hardware and some key technologies adopted. Implement of the data acquisition supply essential technical diagnosis data for EAST experimental device. Key words:Distributed data acquisition system; EAST experimental device;TCP/IP protocol;C/S mode