针对一类非线性金融市场模型,研究了其Hope 分岔条件,在此基础上对系统的混沌行为进行了控制。首先利用谐波平衡法和分岔理论获得了系统Hope 分岔的充分条件,然后采用周期激励法和恒定外激励法,将系统的混沌行为有效控制到稳定的周期轨道,并 与金融市场相结合,说明混沌的产生与金融危机之间的关系,并由此得出为了防止金融危机的爆发,应该采取的相应的措施,并给出了相应的仿真。 关键词:金融市场;Hope 分岔;金融危机;混沌;控制 Abstract:By the analysis of Hope bifurcation , a nonlinear chaotic financial market model is controlled . At first , a sufficient condition for Hope bifurcation is derived on the basis of amplitude of approximate fundamental harmonics . Then, periodical and unvarying exciting force method is used to suppress the chaotic motions os the system . Combined with the financial market , it is explained the relation between chaos and financial crisis . Thereout it is gained the adopting measures against financial crisis and corresponding simulation . Key Words:financial market;Hope bifurcation; financial crisis;chaos;control