SCADA 系统作为一体化的工业自动控制系统,不仅要完成实时采集数据和远程 控制等基本功能,而且其自身的稳定性和健壮性需要给予特别考虑。本文在介绍了 SCADA 系统软件基本结构后,重点讨论了冗余模式下实时数据和历史数据的同步问题,并给出了一种实现模型。 [关键词] SCADA;数据同步;冗余 [Abstract] A SCADA system, which always used in different crucial operation situation, is a hierarchical integrated system that consists of hardware and software providing remote control and monitoring of a process or an operation, so it is necessary that think better of the robust and reliability of SCADA. After introduced its software architecture, the paper discussed the real-time data and historical data synchronization under the redundant SCADA system and gave a realization model. [key word] SCADA; data synchronization; Redundancy