本文主要介绍了基于ASP.NET 技术,统一管理网站群的网站后台信息管理系统的设计 原理、实现方法、主要技术、系统安全技术,以及基于此系统的网站群开发方法。该系统有部门管理、用户帐号管理、信息类别管理和信息发布管理等4 个功能模块,能够有效地实现信息管理。系统具有良好的可扩展性,同时易于操作和维护。 关键词:ASP.NET;网站后台;信息管理系统;网站群 Abstract: This paper mainly presents that based on ASP.NET technology, unified management of the site-site background information management system design, implementation, technology, system security technology, and the system-base development methods of website group. This system includes many functions such as department management, user management, information type and publication management. This system possesses the characters of good expansibility. Also, it’s easy to be operated & maintained. Keywords: ASP.NET; site background; information management systems; website-group
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