本文介绍了LPC2220外部扩展存储器的设计方法,以FLASH存储器(SST39VF160)和SRAM 存储器(IS61LV25616AL)为实例,给出具体应用电路,以及EMC 内部寄存器的配 置和初始化程序源代码。 关键词:LPC2220;EMC;外部存储器;FLASH;SDRAM Abstract: This paper describes a method of design of LPC2220 external memory extension, presents specific circuits, the interior register of EMC configurations and corresponding codes of initialization on the SST39VF160 and IS61LV25616AL platform, which are FLASH memory and SDRAM memory. Keyword: LPC2220; EMC; external memory; FLASH; SDRAM