以基于IPSec 的虚拟专用网(VPN)系统为研究,在提出IPSec 协议体系结构的同时,重点分析了其主要模式与工作原理。分析了基于IPSec 的VPN 系统中的隧道、加解密、用户认证和访问控制等四项关键技术。最后给出了应用协议的一个实例。 关键词:VPN IPSec 隧道技术 加密技术 认证技术 访问控制 Abstract: The body under study is the VPN system based on The IPSec architecture are introduced and the main mode and principle of IPSec are detailed described here.It also makes a detaied researched and analysis on the four key technologies in VPN.Finally,a case study of using netfilter as a firewall was given. Key words:VPN, IPSec, tunneling technology, encryption technology, authentication technology, access control