基于进程代数的CSP 方法是一种重要的形式化协议分析验证方法。本文首先简单介绍了CSP 相关理论,并以NSPK 协议为例系统概述了安全协议的CSP 建模方法。为更好的查明协议的安全缺陷,重点研究如何在CSP的体系结构中对协议的安全属性进行形式化描述。并最终提出秘密性、认证性、不可否认性、匿名性的形式化提炼检测目标,为进一步使用模型检测器进行协议验证奠定了理论和技术基础。 关键词建模 进程 入侵者 安全属性 Abstract: It is an important formal method in protocol’s analysis that CSP approach based on the process algebra. In this paper, the CSP theory is introduced in brief and then the CSP modeling Approach of security protocols is summarized by using the NSPK example. It is studied formal description of Security Properties in the CSP system frame in order to find out the bug of security protocols in effect. In finally, it is presented the refine verifying targets of secrecy、authentication、non-repudiation and anonymity in formal which given the theoretical foundation for the model checking. Keywords: Modeling, Process, Intruder, Security Property