针对物探公司测绘资源的管理需求,利用先进的计算机技术设计并开发了物探测绘资 源管理信息系统。系统能有效的实现工区、仪器和人员的综合管理,提供了各种查询、统计分析和输入输出的功能,有效的提升了物探公司测绘资源的管理能力。 关键词:物探;测绘资源;信息管理系统 Abstract: In order to satisfy the requirement to manage the surveying resources used in geophysical exploration domain, an information management system is proposed in this research based on the advanced computer technologies. This system can manage all kinds of information related to the surveying resources, such as information about work areas, personnel and instruments. In this system, information can be apace queried, analyzed, input and output by many kinds of way. The system has been applied in the Shengli Petroleum. The practical application demonstrates that the system improves the management efficiency of surveying resources. Key words: geophysical exploration, surveying resources, information management system