The AD8613/AD8617/AD8619 are single, dual, and quad micropower, rail-to-rail input and output amplifiers that feature low supply current, low input voltage, and low current noise. The parts are fully specified to operate from 1.8 V to 5.0 V single supply, or ±0.9 V and ±2.5 V dual supply. The combination of low noise, very low input bias currents, and low power consumption make the AD8613/AD8617/AD8619 especially useful in portable and loop-powered instrumentation. The ability to swing rail-to-rail at both the input and output enables designers to buffer CMOS ADCs, DACs, ASICs, and other wide output swing devices in low power, single-supply systems. The AD8613 is available in a 5-lead SC70 package and a 5-lead TSOT-23 package. The AD8617 is available in 8-lead MSOP and 8-lead SOIC packages. The AD8619 is available in 14-lead TSSOP and 14-lead SOIC packages.