The AD8568, AD8569, and AD8570 are low-cost, single-supply buffer amplifiers with rail-to-rail input and output capability. They are optimized for LCD monitor applications and built on an advanced high voltage CBCMOS process. The AD8568 includes two buffers, the AD8569 includes four buffers, and the AD8570 includes eight buffers. These LCD buffers have high slew rates, 35 mA continuous output drive, and high capacitive load drive capability. They have a wide supply range and offset voltages below 10 mV. The AD8568, AD8569, and AD8570 are specified over the –40°C to +85°C temperature range. They are available on tape and reel, with the AD8568 packaged in a 6-lead SOT-23, the AD8569 in a 10-lead MSOP, and the AD8570 in a 32-lead LFCSP and 20-lead TSSOP.