The AD8264 is a 4-channel, linear-in-dB, general-purpose variable gain amplifier (VGA) with a preamplifier (preamp), and a flexible differential output buffer. Intended for a broad range of applications, dc coupling combined with wide band-width makes this amplifier a very good pulse processor. Each channel includes a single-ended input preamp/VGA section to preserve the wide bandwidth and fast slew rate for low-distortion pulse applications. A 6 dB differential output buffer with common-mode and offset adjustments enable direct coupling to most modern high speed analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), using the converter reference output for perfect dc matching levels. The −3 dB bandwidth of the preamp/VGA is dc to 235 MHz, and the bandwidth of the differential driver is 80 MHz. The floating gain control interface provides a precise linear-in-dB scale of 20 dB/V and is easy to interface to a variety of external circuits.