The AD9704/AD9705/AD9706/AD9707 are the fourth-generation family in the TxDAC series of high performance, CMOS digital-to-analog converters (DACs). This pin-compatible, 8-/10-/12-/14-bit resolution family is optimized for low power operation, while maintaining excellent dynamic performance. The AD9704/ AD9705/AD9706/AD9707 family is pin-compatible with the AD9748/AD9740/AD9742/AD9744 family of TxDAC convert-ers and is specifically optimized for the transmit signal path of communication systems. All of the devices share the same interface, LFCSP_VQ package, and pinout, providing an upward or downward component selection path based on performance, resolution, and cost. The AD9704/AD9705/ AD9706/AD9707 offers exceptional ac and dc performance, while supporting update rates up to 175 MSPS.