The AD7262/AD7262-5 are dual, 12-bit, high speed, low power, successive approximation ADCs that operate from a single 5 V power supply. The AD7262 features throughput rates of up to 1 MSPS per on-chip ADC. The AD7262-5 features throughput rates of up to 500 kSPS. Two complete ADC functions allow simultaneous sampling and conversion of two channels. Each ADC is preceded by a true differential analog input with a PGA. There are 14 gain settings available: ×1, ×2, ×3, ×4, ×6, ×8, ×12, ×16, ×24, ×32, ×48, ×64, ×96, and ×128. The AD7262/AD7262-5 contain four comparators. Comparator A and Comparator B are optimized for low power, while Compara-tor C and Comparator D have fast propagation delays. The AD7262/AD7262-5 feature a calibration function to remove any device offset error and programmable gain adjust registers to allow for input path (for example, sensor) offset and gain compensation. The AD7262/AD7262-5 have an on-chip 2.5 V reference that can be disabled if an external reference is preferred. The AD7262/AD7262-5 are ideally suited for monitoring small amplitude signals from a variety of sensors. They include all the functionality needed for monitoring the position feedback signals from a variety of analog encoders used in motor control systems.