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  The AD5748 is a single-channel, low cost, precision, voltage/ current output driver with hardware or software programmable output ranges. The software ranges are configured via an SPI-/ MICROWIRE™-compatible serial interface. The AD5748 targets applications in PLC and industrial process control. The analog input to the AD5748 is provided from a low voltage, single-supply, digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and is internally conditioned to provide the desired output current/voltage range. The analog input range is 0 V to 4.096 V. The output current range is programmable across two current ranges: 4 mA to 21 mA and 0 mA to 21 mA. Voltage output is provided from a separate pin that can be configured to provide 0 V to 5 V, 0 V to 10.5 V, or ±10.5 V output range. Analog outputs are short-circuit and open-circuit protected and can drive capacitive loads of 2 μF and inductive loads of 0.1 H. The device is specified to operate with a power supply range from ±12 V to ±24 V. Output loop compliance is 0 V to AVDD − 2.75 V. The flexible serial interface is SPI- and MICROWIRE-compatible and can be operated in 3-wire mode to minimize the digital isolation required in isolated applications. The interface also features an optional PEC error checking feature using CRC-8 error checking, useful in industrial environments where data communication corruption can occur. The device also includes a power-on-reset function, ensuring that the device powers up in a known state (0 V or tristate), and an asynchronous CLEAR pin that sets the outputs to zero scale/midscale voltage output or the low end of the selected current range. An HW SELECT pin is used to configure the part for hardware or software mode on power-up. Note that the plots in the Typical Performance Characteristics section of this data sheet contain information on the standard ranges, as released in the AD5750/AD5750-1 data sheet. Although the overranges have been tested, new plots were not generated and substitution data was used for plotting purposes.

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