适合大型照明系统的环保中央节能器 随着近年电子镇流器被大量采用,而引发出一个值得严重关注的环保问题。电子镇流器的平均寿命只有一至五年( 视乎素质及价钱而定), 废弃的电子镇流器含有大量不可分解的和有毒的物质,会造成严重的环境污染。而目前兴起的新一代低损耗电感镇流器,平均寿命超过二十年,其铁芯也可在十數年后循环再用。本文首先通过对比实验分析,证明低损耗电感镇流器的效率已接近电子镇流器。然后介绍一种可与电感镇流器及电子镇流器兼容的中央变压调光节能专利技术。新技术保留电感镇流器的环保、长寿、可靠和抗雷击等优点,再加上节能功效,已在户外及室内的大型照明系统上应用。 Abstract: With the active promotion by lighting industry of electronic ballasts, there has been rising concern with the increasing electronic waste problem. Electronic ballasts can last for typically 5 years. The used products contain toxic and non-biodegradable materials that can result in environmental pollution problem. New generation of low-loss magnetic ballasts, that are recyclable and can last for over 20 years, offer an attractive alternative. This paper shows that, based on a newly patented central dimming technology, dimmable magnetic ballast systems can be as energy-efficient as dimmable electronic ballast systems. The new central dimming technology is compatible with both electronic and magnetic ballasts. It keeps the environmental friendliness, long lifetime, reliability and robustness against extreme weather conditions of magnetic ballasts. Practical results obtained from large-scale installations have confirmed the advantages of the proposed technology. 关键词﹕环保技术、节能技术、中央调光节能技术、电子废料、环境污染 Keywords: environmental protection, energy-saving technology, dimming technology for lighting systems, electronic waste, environmental pollution.