The PWS740 is a multichannel, isolated DC-to-DC converter with a 1500VAC continuous isolation rating. The outputs track the input voltage to the converter over the range of 7 to 20VDC. The converter’s modular design, comprising three components, minimizes the cost of isolated multichannel power for the user. The PWS740-1 is a high-frequency (400kHz nominal) oscillator/driver, handling up to eight channels. This part is a hybrid containing an oscillator and two power FETs. It is supplied in a TO-3 case to provide the power dissipation necessary at full load. Transformer impedance limits the maximum input current to about 700mA at 15V input, well within the unit’s thermal limits. A TTL-compatible ENABLE pin provides output shut-down if desired. A SYNC pin allows synchronization of several PWS740-1s. The PWS740-2 is a trifilar-wound isolation transformer using a ferrite core and is encapsulated in a plastic package, allowing a higher isolation voltage rating. One PWS740-2 is used per isolated channel.