The Intersil HS-6617RH is a radiation hardened 16K CMOS PROM, organized in a 2K word by 8-bit format. The chip is manufactured using a radiation hardened CMOS process, and is designed to be functionally equivalent to the HM-6617. Synchronous circuit design techniques combine with CMOS processing to give this device high speed performance with very low power dissipation. On chip address latches are provided, allowing easy interfacing with recent generation microprocessors that use multiplexed address/data bus structure, such as the HS-80C85RH or HS-80C86RH. The output enable control (G) simplifies microprocessor system interfacing by allowing output data bus control, in addition to, the chip enable control. Synchronous operation of the HS-6617RH is ideal for high speed pipe-lined architecture systems and also in synchronous logic replacement functions. Applications for the HS-6617RH CMOS PROM include low power microprocessor based instrumentation and communications systems, remote data acquisition and processing systems, processor control store, and synchronous logic replacement.