The Intersil ISL95311 is a digitally controlled potentiometer (XDCP). The device consists of a resistor array, wiper switches, a control section, and nonvolatile memory. The wiper position is controlled by an I2C interface. The potentiometer is implemented by a resistor array composed of 127 resistive elements and a wiper switching network. Between each element and at either end are tap points accessible to the wiper terminal. The wiper of the potentiometer has an associated volatile Wiper Counter Register (WR) and a non-volatile Initial Value Register (IVR) that can be directly written to and read by the user. The contents of the WR controls the position of the wiper on the resistor array through the switches. At power-up, the device recalls the contents of the IVR to the corresponding WR. The device can be used as a three-terminal potentiometer or as a two-terminal variable resistor in a wide variety of applications, including: • LCD contrast control • Parameter and bias adjustments • Industrial and automotive control • Mechanical pot replacement