The EL2019 offers a new feature previously unavailable in a comparator before—a master/slave edge triggered flip-flop. The comparator output will only change output state after a positive going clock edge is applied. Thus the output can't feed back to the input and cause oscillation. Manufactured with Elantec's proprietary Complementary Bipolar process, this device uses fast PNP and NPN transistors in the signal path. A unique circuit design gives the inputs the ability to handle large common mode and differential mode signals, yet retain high speed and excellent accuracy. Careful design of the front end insures speed and accuracy when operating with a mix of small and large signals. The three-state output stage is designed to be TTL compatible for any power supply combination, yet it draws a constant current and does not generate current glitches. When the output is disabled, the supply current consumption drops by 50%, but the input stage and master slave flip-flop remain active.