摘要:本文阐述了凝析天然气流量计量的基本原理,国外多家公司凝析天然气计量在研技术的比较,国内外研究现状及其技术路线,指出部分值得关注的研究方向,为国内同类仪表的研制和选型提供参考。 关键词 凝析 天然气 流量计 在线 多相流量计 计量技术 Abshmc4 Theb asicp rincipleo fco ndensaten aturalg asfl owmeteris d escribeda ndt her esearchingte chnologiesfo rsu chfl owmetersin m any for countries,compared the current status and technical approaches of the research, described as wel as some valuable orientations, proposed.These,worth for reference of study and model selection in our country.