The ISL6333 three-phase PWM family of control ICs provide a precision voltage regulation system for advanced microprocessors. The integration of power MOSFET drivers into the controller IC marks a departure from the separate PWM controller and driver configuration of previous multiphase product families. By reducing the number of external parts, this integration is optimized for a cost and space saving power management solution. The ISL6333 controllers are designed to be compatible with Intel VR11.1 Applications. Features that make these controllers compatible include an IMON pin for output current monitoring, and a Power State Indicator (PSI#) pin for phase dropping and higher efficiency during light load states. An 8-bit VID input is used to select the desired output voltage from the VR11 DAC table. A circuit is provided for remote voltage sensing, compensating for any potential difference between remote and local grounds. The output voltage can also be positively or negatively offset through the use of a single external resistor.