本文介绍了北京福星晓程公司PL3200 芯片的主要特点、结构、载波通信原理以及基 于该芯片的电力线载波通信应用的硬件电路设计原理,并给出了将该芯片构成的电力 线载波通信系统应用于蓄电池化成分布式测控系统的数据通信的方案。 关键词:PL3200 直接序列扩频 电力线载波 89C51 Implementation of a distributed control system for the converter based on power line carrier technology Abstract: This paper introduces the main characteristics of PL3200 and the hardware design of power line carrier communication system based on PL3200.An application of this chip on the data communication of the distributed control system of the charge and discharge for storage battery is presented. Key words: PL3200; Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum; power line carrier ; 89C51