银行金库门禁系统是银行保卫金库安全的关键,如何以金库的日常业务流程为基础,利用监控、门禁、IC 卡、报警、防火等技术保证金库的安全至关重要。本文通过论述银行金库数字监控门禁系统的组成原理、工作流程、功能,对系统的方案设计进行了一定的探讨。 关键字:金库,门禁,监控,报警 The Design of entrance guard system of digital video supervising control in the treasury of the bank Xuxingkun, Wanghuaibin, Huangjunxian Abstract:The treasury of bank is a key system of the security system for banks. How to make the security is very important, which is base on the normal operation flows and is by the technique of video supervising control, entrance guard, IC card, alarm, fireproofing. The article describes the system in various aspects, such as system’s constructing principle, working flow, function. The article focuses the project of how to design the system and makes a discussing in an extent. Key Words:treasury, entrance guard, video supervising control,alarm