The MAX11321–MAX11328 are 12-/10-bit with externalreference and 500kHz, full-linear-bandwidth, high-speed,low-power, serial-output successive approximation register(SAR) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). TheMAX11321–MAX11328 provide external access to theoutput of the integrated mux and ADC input, to simplifyconditioning. The MAX11321–MAX11328 include bothinternal and external clock modes. These devices featurescan mode in both internal and external clock modes. Theinternal clock mode features internal averaging to increaseSNR. The external clock mode features the SampleSetKtechnology, a user-programmable analog input channelsequencer. The SampleSet approach provides greatersequencing flexibility for multichannel applications whilealleviating significant microcontroller or DSP (controllingunit) communication overhead.

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