A Mini-Temperature Detecting System Based On The MSP430 Microcontroller And DS18B20 LI Hong[1], WENG Xiu-Mei[1], GAO Zhen-tian[2] ([1]Hebei Institute of Architectural and Civil Engineering,[2]The college of Information Science and engineering, YanShan University) Abstract: The characteristic of the ultra-low power microcontroller MSP430F1121 and the digital temperature sensor DS18B20 is introduced. A mini-temperature detecting system is designed combining the 4 bits segmented LCD module LCM046 and the DC-DC converter MAX1674. Some primary C430 functions are presented in the IAR Workbench IDE. Using the ultra-low power of the MSP430 microcontroller and the 1-WARE interface mode of the DS18B20, the ultra-low power、simple structure、stable performance and practicality of the whole system is realized. Key words: temperature detecting system; MSP430F1121; DS18B20; C430; MCU