采用8 位及16 位微处理器已经在很多场合下不能满足我们的性能需求,尤其汽车的制动系统的实时性要求,使得采用能够充分并且合理利用CPU 的高性能32 位微处理器和实时操作系统成为了设计汽车电控单元的趋势。本文从硬件和软件两个方面描述了采用S3C44B0X 和μC/OS-Ⅱ开发防抱死电控单元的方法和过程。 关键词:S3C44B0X,μC/OS-Ⅱ,ABS,移植 【 Abstract 】It seems that the 8-bit microprocessor or 16-bit processor has not enough performance in more and more cases, especially for the real-time requirement of the ABS ECU. So more and more engineering design the ECU of the auto’s using 32-bit microprocessor with real-time operating system which can make the best of CPU’s working time. The article describes the method and the developing process for ABS ECU using S3C44B0X and μC/OS-Ⅱ on two aspects including hardware and software. Keywords:S3C44B0X,μC/OS-Ⅱ,ABS,