为了满足电子公文、文档的基本需求及安全问题,必须使用电子签章以保障公文和文档的合法性。本文提出了一种结合数字签名、数字水印、PKI 等安全保障机制实现电子文档的安全访问控制的新型电子签章系统。结果表明该系统能有效满足电子公文和文档的基本需求及相关安全性规定。 关键词 数字签名 数字水印 PKI 密码IC 卡 Abstract: To implement the basic demand and security of management of digital documents, it is in great need of using digital sealing to ensure validity of digital documents. A digital sealing system combing digital signature and watermarking and PKI was proposed. According to the result, the system can satisfy the relate security and basic demand. Keyword: digital signature, digital watermarking, PKI, E-key