光是一种高频电磁波,因此从电磁场理论角度,对光纤曲率模态传感器的传感机理进行有限元仿真和计算。以研究不同弯曲,不同敏感区参数情况下从“敏感区”泄漏的光功率,为用于结构振动测试的光纤传感器的设计和应用提供理论依据,结果与理论分析和实验基本吻合。 关键词 光纤传感器;曲率;电磁场理论;有限元 Abstract Light-wave belongs to a high frequency electromagnetic wave. Thus, the theory of the curvature model optical fiber sensor is emulated and computed based on electromagnetism. Some computing and emulating results have illustrated that this optical fiber sensor is effective for the vibration measurement in thin structures. Keywords optical fiber sensor, curvature, electromagnet theory, finite elemen