该系统以线阵CCD 传感器, 以小孔成像原理为基础, 以激光束及光学振子系统为光源, 采用MCS - 51 系列单片机为控制核心, 对轧钢板的高速实时在线检测系统进行了研究。 关键词: 线阵CCD; 钢板测宽; 光学系统; 实时检测 Abstract : By using LINER CCD as the sensor , and designs a new systemof optics and use laster light and optics shaker as optics , use mcs51 as controlling system , can examine the width of armor plate in the line of the high speed1 Keywords : LINER CCD; Examining the width of armor plate ; Optics System; Examining in the line